枸橼酸铋钾 Bismuth Potassium Citrate

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      枸橼酸铋钾 Bismuth Potassium Citrate

      明珠制药 传承健康 试制未来
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      分子式Molecular fomula:BiK2C6H7O7.H2O

      分子量Molecular weight:495.98

      性状 :本品为白色粉末;味咸  ,有引湿性  。在水中极易溶解   ,在乙醇中微溶 。

      用途 :用于慢性胃炎及缓解胃酸过多引起的胃疼  、胃烧灼感和反酸    ;胃溃疡及十二指肠溃疡等  。

      Description:This product is white powder; has salty taste and easily absorbmoisture. Easily dissolve in the water, slightly dissolve in theethanol.

      Usage:Use for chronic gastritis and relief of stomachache, stomach burningsensation and sour regurgitation caused by overmuch gastric acid; aswell gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer etc.

      质量标准 Quality standard: 中国药典2005年版 CP 2005

      检测项目 Test

      检测标准 Specification

      干燥失重 Loss on dry


      (Cu) Copper


      (Pb) Lead


      硫酸盐 Sulfate


      酸碱度 Potential of hydrogen(PH)

      60 ~ 80

      硝酸盐 Nitrate

      按照标准Accord with require

      含氨量 Content of ammonia

      2% ~ 6%

      含量(以Bi计)Content of Bismuth

      35.0% ~ 38.5%
